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English (American) Voice Actor Carlin T.

Carlin T.

Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung
Englisch (US)
United States ortszeit

Native Voice-Samples

Kommerzielle Demo
Politische Anzeigen


I’m Carlin, an African American professional English-speaking Voice Actor. I’ve got over 20 years of advertising experience to compliment my voice acting. That experience coupled with management, fatherhood, education, and other qualities has given me the talent to work successfully with clients. Many of them have been consumer brand commercials and/or services who hired me to provide either commercial or corporate narratives. I’ve also done some political and a lot of PSAs.
These clients have commented on me being not only easy to work with but also I’m a trusted voice. Clients have also found me able to offer conversational and warm, authoritative, energetic, direct, confident, and also authentic reads. All of which had been delivered with “a compelling and rich voice.”
I look forward to offering my professional but sometimes playful quality and service to you on your next job. Please don’t hesitate to inquire about more information.
Cheers to the OUR next win!


As a Voice Actor I've been fortunate to voice promos for Nintendo, commercials for beverages like Maker's Mark, commercials for snacks like Cheez It. In addition I've done commercials or other corporate narratives or E-learning material for household names like Microsoft, Lexus, McDonald's, Kraft, Google, and others.


Graduate of:
+Second City-Chicago
+Edge Studio

Student of:
+Donovan Corteez
+ Harry Dunn
+Joan Baker
+Marc Cashman
+Mark Rider

Coached at:
+GFTB Voice Extravaganza

Unternehmen, für die ich geäußert habe

McDonalds, Deloitte, Intel, Microsoft, Kraft, Louisiana Fish Fry, Google Chrome, Nintendo, Maker's Mark, Illumina, Lexus, Cheez It, and more.

Ausrüstung, die ich habe

Studio Bricks recording booth
Sennheiser 416 microphone
Neumann TLM-102 microphone
Apollo Twin interface
Avalon VT 737 mic chain and amp
Adobe Audition DAW


Apr 19, 2024
Michael F.

Carlin was great to work with. He was quick to respond throughout the whole process. Painless and easy. We hopped on a Zoom call where he recorded and we were able to provide some direction on some deliveries. His collaboration was perfect. Will keep Carlin in mind for future VO needs.

Feb 20, 2024
Brittany F.

Carlin was so lovely to work with. He has a great voice, responded fast, was easy to work with and had great audio. Would definitely recommend him and certainly hope to work with him again!

Stellen Sie noch heute Carlin für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Carlin in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Carlin und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Carlin frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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Mitglied seit

January 2024

Abgeschlossene Jobs


Letzte Aktivität

vor 2 tage

Durchschn. Reaktionszeit

6 stunden

Preise beginnen bei

100 USD


Vereinigte Staaten


UTC -5:00 America/Chicago


Englisch (US)


Junger Erwachsener
Im mittleren Alter

Spezialisiert auf Kategorien

Politische Anzeigen





Apr 19, 2024
Michael F.

Carlin was great to work with. He was quick to respond throughout the whole process. Painless and easy. We hopped on a Zoom call where he recorded and we were able to provide some direction on some deliveries. His collaboration was perfect. Will keep Carlin in mind for future VO needs.

Feb 20, 2024
Brittany F.

Carlin was so lovely to work with. He has a great voice, responded fast, was easy to work with and had great audio. Would definitely recommend him and certainly hope to work with him again!

Stellen Sie noch heute Carlin für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Carlin in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Carlin und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Carlin frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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