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English (British) Voice Actor Graeme M.

Graeme M.

Prämie Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung
Englisch (Britisch)
Vereinigtes Königreich

Native Voice-Samples

Kommerzielle Demo


Accomplished and professional British voice artist with a wide range. Excellent sight-reader. Emotive. Good at comprehending technical scripts. Great for high-end TV commercials.


I have been 100% focused on VO for sixteen years. Prior to that I was producing and directing voice overs. I set up my own professional studio and work from it daily.


Rsamd, RCS.

Unternehmen, für die ich geäußert habe

Porsche, Bugatti, IBM, BBC, Halliburton, Mondelez....

Ausrüstung, die ich habe

Whisper room, ProTools, Neumann, Focusrite.


May 22, 2024
Raveendran V.

Graeme was helpful, responded fast, was easy to work with and friendly. He did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Feb 7, 2024
Raveendran V.

Fast response, easy to work with and great voice. Graeme did a great job!

Aug 4, 2023
Raveendran V.

What a fantastic experience! Graeme was fast to deliver and easy to work with. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Jul 10, 2023
Raveendran V.

Graeme was professional.

Jul 10, 2023
Raveendran V.

Super happy with the work. Professional service. Can't recommend him more!

Jun 11, 2023
Raveendran V.

Super happy with the work. Professional service, on time delivery, easy to work with and professional recording. Can't recommend him more!

Feb 27, 2023
Raveendran V.

Fast response, on time delivery and easy to work with. Graeme did an excellent job!

Feb 13, 2023
Paul M.

Graeme was so lovely to work with. He was easy to communicate with, responsive to direction, friendly, fast to deliver, has a great voice, surpassed expectations, was professional, had great audio, was helpful, quick to turnaround, responded fast and was easy to work with. Would definitely recommend him and certainly hope to work with him again!

Jan 2, 2023
Raveendran V.

I enjoyed working with Graeme. He was easy to work with, easy to communicate with and has a great voice. I will definitely work with him for future projects.

Dec 30, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme responded fast, was easy to work with and had great audio. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Dec 17, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme did an incredible job. Fast response, easy to work with, professional recording and good communication. Would highly recommend!

Sep 9, 2022
Raveendran V.

On time delivery, professional recording, fast response and easy to work with. Graeme did a terrific job!

Jul 13, 2022
Raveendran V.

Easy to work with, professional recording, fast response, on time delivery, good communication and great voice. Would definitely recommend.

Jun 29, 2022
Raveendran V.

Perfect! Responded fast, was easy to communicate with, easy to work with and had great audio

Apr 27, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme was fast to deliver and friendly. He did a great job and the client loved it!

Dec 6, 2021
Raveendran V.

Excellent service

Dec 5, 2021
Raveendran V.

Excellent service. Hope to work on future projects

Stellen Sie noch heute Graeme für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Graeme in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Graeme und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Graeme frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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Mitglied seit

May 2017

Abgeschlossene Jobs


Letzte Aktivität

vor 16 tage

Durchschn. Reaktionszeit

6 minuten

Preise beginnen bei

200 USD


Vereinigtes Königreich


Englisch (Britisch)


Junger Erwachsener
Im mittleren Alter

Spezialisiert auf Kategorien

Politische Anzeigen




May 22, 2024
Raveendran V.

Graeme was helpful, responded fast, was easy to work with and friendly. He did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Feb 7, 2024
Raveendran V.

Fast response, easy to work with and great voice. Graeme did a great job!

Aug 4, 2023
Raveendran V.

What a fantastic experience! Graeme was fast to deliver and easy to work with. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Jul 10, 2023
Raveendran V.

Graeme was professional.

Jul 10, 2023
Raveendran V.

Super happy with the work. Professional service. Can't recommend him more!

Jun 11, 2023
Raveendran V.

Super happy with the work. Professional service, on time delivery, easy to work with and professional recording. Can't recommend him more!

Feb 27, 2023
Raveendran V.

Fast response, on time delivery and easy to work with. Graeme did an excellent job!

Feb 13, 2023
Paul M.

Graeme was so lovely to work with. He was easy to communicate with, responsive to direction, friendly, fast to deliver, has a great voice, surpassed expectations, was professional, had great audio, was helpful, quick to turnaround, responded fast and was easy to work with. Would definitely recommend him and certainly hope to work with him again!

Jan 2, 2023
Raveendran V.

I enjoyed working with Graeme. He was easy to work with, easy to communicate with and has a great voice. I will definitely work with him for future projects.

Dec 30, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme responded fast, was easy to work with and had great audio. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Dec 17, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme did an incredible job. Fast response, easy to work with, professional recording and good communication. Would highly recommend!

Sep 9, 2022
Raveendran V.

On time delivery, professional recording, fast response and easy to work with. Graeme did a terrific job!

Jul 13, 2022
Raveendran V.

Easy to work with, professional recording, fast response, on time delivery, good communication and great voice. Would definitely recommend.

Jun 29, 2022
Raveendran V.

Perfect! Responded fast, was easy to communicate with, easy to work with and had great audio

Apr 27, 2022
Raveendran V.

Graeme was fast to deliver and friendly. He did a great job and the client loved it!

Dec 6, 2021
Raveendran V.

Excellent service

Dec 5, 2021
Raveendran V.

Excellent service. Hope to work on future projects

Stellen Sie noch heute Graeme für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Graeme in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Graeme und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Graeme frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

Haben Sie Fragen? Wir haben Antworten FAQ
