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English (British) Voice Actor Simon H.

Simon H.

Englisch (Britisch)
Vereinigte Staaten

Native Voice-Samples

Kommerzielle Demo


My name is Simon and I am a professional British actor and voice actor based in Los Angeles. My voice has been heard on scores of radio and television commercial, promos, elearning and internet video voice overs worldwide. Trusted by world class companies including Rolex, J Walter Thomson, Microsoft, This Is Global Radio, CNN, Standard Chartered and many more, you can rely on me to bring a deep, warm, authentic British voice over to your project. I am able to provide voice over in a range of U.K. and North American accents.


I trained at Drama Centre London and have over 7 years of professional experience as an actor and voice over actor. I bring a wealth of acting experience, versatility and ability to take direction to each project I voice to deliver impactful performances and 100% client satisfaction every time. As a British voice over artist, my native accent commands respect and my smooth and sensual tone conveys quality & experience.
With a degree in Chemistry & Management from Imperial College London and 10 years of experience working as a project manager at corporate companies, I am highly skilled at communicating corporate, scientific and medical copy clearly and confidently. Whether it’s informative professional or friendly conversational, I have the natural skill to bring a narration to life.
With my professional voice over studio, I am able to provide finished audio files with a less than 24-hour turnaround time for most projects. I have a custom built, acoustically treated voice booth and record my sessions using an AKG C214 mic, Scarlett 2i2 preamp and Adobe Audition. I can dial you in for a directed session using Source Connect, Skype or phone patch.


- Drama Centre London (voice over instruction from David Angus)
- Professional member of World Voices

Unternehmen, für die ich geäußert habe

BBC America, Rolex, Nike, Dell, Cisco, Microsoft, CNN, CNBC, J Walter Thompson, Salesforce, Pitstop, Buchanans, Cookson Adventures, Obsidian


Nov 15, 2023
Owen B.

What a fantastic experience! Simon was friendly, has a great voice, responded fast and was easy to work with. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Apr 14, 2023
Owen B.

Simon was easy to communicate with, easy to work with, had great audio and has a great voice. Can't wait to work with him again soon.

Feb 28, 2023
Flaps van der M.

Responsive to direction, professional recording, great voice, creative, friendly, good communication, fast response and professional service. Simon did an excellent job!

Mar 15, 2022
Sig D.

Everything was great! Simon was friendly, quick to turnaround, creative, had great audio, was easy to work with, fast to deliver, easy to communicate with, helpful, surpassed expectations, was professional, has a great voice, was responsive to direction and responded fast. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Stellen Sie noch heute Simon für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Simon in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Simon und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Simon frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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Mitglied seit

August 2020

Abgeschlossene Jobs


Letzte Aktivität

vor 1 monat

Durchschn. Reaktionszeit

2 tage


Vereinigte Staaten


Englisch (Britisch)


Im mittleren Alter

Spezialisiert auf Kategorien




Nov 15, 2023
Owen B.

What a fantastic experience! Simon was friendly, has a great voice, responded fast and was easy to work with. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Apr 14, 2023
Owen B.

Simon was easy to communicate with, easy to work with, had great audio and has a great voice. Can't wait to work with him again soon.

Feb 28, 2023
Flaps van der M.

Responsive to direction, professional recording, great voice, creative, friendly, good communication, fast response and professional service. Simon did an excellent job!

Mar 15, 2022
Sig D.

Everything was great! Simon was friendly, quick to turnaround, creative, had great audio, was easy to work with, fast to deliver, easy to communicate with, helpful, surpassed expectations, was professional, has a great voice, was responsive to direction and responded fast. Looking forward to working with him again soon.

Stellen Sie noch heute Simon für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Simon in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Simon und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Simon frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

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