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English (American) Voice Actor Abi H.

Abi H.

Prämie Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung
Englisch (Britisch)
Englisch (US)
United States ortszeit

Native Voice-Samples

Kommerzielle Demo
Kommerzielle Demo


I am Abi, a full-time professional Voice Actor. I have dual British/American citizenship, and work in both accents. My native accent is a neutral South English/Estuary British but I can also do a standard North American accent, as I grew up between the two countries. I love being a Voice Actor, I will spend time understanding your script and making sure I bring it to life exactly how you want it. My keen eye (and ear) for detail and strong work ethic will make sure of it. I look forward to completing your project, and giving it the life you want.


Most of my work is explainer videos and commercial. But I have experience with IVR telephone systems, e-learning, corporate narration, video games, animation, and voice of god/announcing.


Doriane Elliott and Anna Garduno (voice forward) in NYC.
Acting classes at the Barrow Group NYC and the PIT Improv Theatre.

Unternehmen, für die ich geäußert habe

Amazon, Virgin Voyage, Energizer, Starbucks, ASICS, UK civil service, Cetaphil, Fujifilm, Pepsi, Santander, Delta, Lloyds Bank, Allevia, Get Your Guide, Les Mills+, Landal, Phillips, O2 Brixton Academy and many more.

Ausrüstung, die ich habe

Sennheiser MHK416 microphone, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface, Adobe Audition, 2019 MacBook Pro.


Jul 2, 2024
Davor B.

Easy to work with. Abi did a great job!

Mar 20, 2024
Aaron G.

Abi was fast to deliver, easy to work with, quick to turnaround, responded fast and was helpful. Can't wait to work with her again soon.

Nov 20, 2023
Davor B.

Abi was professional, fast to deliver and easy to communicate with. She did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Jun 26, 2023
Jake P.

Abi was fast to deliver, quick to turnaround, responsive to direction, friendly, helpful, easy to work with, easy to communicate with, had great audio, responded fast, has a great voice and was professional.

Mar 30, 2023
Graham B.

Abi was easy to work with, had great audio and has a great voice. She did an excellent job.

Jul 26, 2022
Sebastiaan T.

Everything was great! Abi was helpful and easy to communicate with. Looking forward to working with her again soon.

Jun 3, 2022
Viktor R.

Abi was easy to work with. She did a great job and the client loved it!

May 23, 2022
Viktor R.

Everything was great! Abi was easy to communicate with, responded fast, had great audio, was fast to deliver and helpful. Looking forward to working with her again soon.

May 7, 2022
Matt R.

Love working with Abi! She has a wonderful voice, she’s great with direction, and she will bring any project to life. She is a must hire for any project and look forward to working with her once again .

May 2, 2022
Camila R.

Aby is a great talent to work with! She was quick to deliver and to understand the tone and vision of the project.
Great talent!

Feb 15, 2022
Prem S.

Abi responded fast, was easy to work with, has a great voice, had great audio, was easy to communicate with and responsive to direction. Great voice over!

Nov 30, 2021
Tom W.

Abi was a pleasure to work with. She was quick to respond, took direction well and the provided a high-quality service. Will definitely be going with Abi again!

Dec 16, 2020
Luke J.

Great work. Exactly to the brief. And turned around impressively fast. Thanks, Abi :)

Sep 17, 2020
Ramon D.

Abi is flexible, professional, responsive and quick! Loved working with her and look forward to the next opportunity!

Stellen Sie noch heute Abi für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Abi in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Abi und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Abi frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

Haben Sie Fragen? Wir haben Antworten FAQ

Mitglied seit

May 2020

Abgeschlossene Jobs


Letzte Aktivität

vor 11 tage

Durchschn. Reaktionszeit

12 stunden

Preise beginnen bei

200 USD


Vereinigte Staaten


UTC -4:00 America/New York


Englisch (Britisch)
Englisch (US)


Junger Erwachsener
Im mittleren Alter

Spezialisiert auf Kategorien

Politische Anzeigen
Medizinische Erzählung




Jul 2, 2024
Davor B.

Easy to work with. Abi did a great job!

Mar 20, 2024
Aaron G.

Abi was fast to deliver, easy to work with, quick to turnaround, responded fast and was helpful. Can't wait to work with her again soon.

Nov 20, 2023
Davor B.

Abi was professional, fast to deliver and easy to communicate with. She did an amazing job. My client loved it!

Jun 26, 2023
Jake P.

Abi was fast to deliver, quick to turnaround, responsive to direction, friendly, helpful, easy to work with, easy to communicate with, had great audio, responded fast, has a great voice and was professional.

Mar 30, 2023
Graham B.

Abi was easy to work with, had great audio and has a great voice. She did an excellent job.

Jul 26, 2022
Sebastiaan T.

Everything was great! Abi was helpful and easy to communicate with. Looking forward to working with her again soon.

Jun 3, 2022
Viktor R.

Abi was easy to work with. She did a great job and the client loved it!

May 23, 2022
Viktor R.

Everything was great! Abi was easy to communicate with, responded fast, had great audio, was fast to deliver and helpful. Looking forward to working with her again soon.

May 7, 2022
Matt R.

Love working with Abi! She has a wonderful voice, she’s great with direction, and she will bring any project to life. She is a must hire for any project and look forward to working with her once again .

May 2, 2022
Camila R.

Aby is a great talent to work with! She was quick to deliver and to understand the tone and vision of the project.
Great talent!

Feb 15, 2022
Prem S.

Abi responded fast, was easy to work with, has a great voice, had great audio, was easy to communicate with and responsive to direction. Great voice over!

Nov 30, 2021
Tom W.

Abi was a pleasure to work with. She was quick to respond, took direction well and the provided a high-quality service. Will definitely be going with Abi again!

Dec 16, 2020
Luke J.

Great work. Exactly to the brief. And turned around impressively fast. Thanks, Abi :)

Sep 17, 2020
Ramon D.

Abi is flexible, professional, responsive and quick! Loved working with her and look forward to the next opportunity!

Stellen Sie noch heute Abi für Ihr Projekt ein!

1. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die Schaltfläche "Jetzt Angebot anfordern".
2. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um das Angebot von Abi in Ihren Posteingang zu erhalten.
3. Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie das Angebot von Abi und finanzieren Sie das Projekt.
4. Sobald das Projekt zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen ist, geben Sie einfach Ihre Zahlung an Abi frei und bewerten Sie die Arbeit.

Haben Sie Fragen? Wir haben Antworten FAQ
