
Mieten Sie exotische Synchronsprecher für Ihr Projekt

Mieten Sie exotische Synchronsprecher für Ihr Projekt

Elisa M.
Vereinigte Staaten

Ciao, my name is Elisa and I’m an Italian VO artist. My voice has been compared sounding like the actress Isab...

Exotic Appealing Likeable
Andrew R.
Englisch (Britisch)
Vereinigtes Königreich
Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung

Hi, My name is Andrew, and I am an experienced and versatile British English male voice talent who has worked ...

Natural Conversational Genuine
Ab $100
Aleksander G.
Russische Föderation

Hello! I am a male Russian voiceover. I will provide a strong, warm, personable, dynamic voice over for your...

Mischievous Impatient Folksy
Jo R.
Prämie Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung

European Spanish Voice Over Fluent in English?- Joanna Are you looking for an English voice-over recording in ...

Professional Cosmopolitan Confident
Ab $200
Mary M.
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

Hi! My name is Mary and I’m a dedicated full-time professional voice actor with a neutral American English acc...

Conversational Confident Cool
Ab $275
Lidiya B.
Russische Föderation

I have extensive experience doing national commercials, infomercials, and cartoon characters. I can speak in a...

Motivational Engaging Endearing
Yukiko F.
Prämie Bestbewertet 24-Stunden-Lieferung

Yukiko is a multi-award-winning professional Japanese voiceover artist. Her work consists of TV commercials an...

Warm Sophisticated Conversational
Ab $250
Jessica T.
Spanisch (Lateinamerika)
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

I’m a bilingual Spanish voice talent with a broadcast-quality home studio. My voice is perfect for projects re...

Sophisticated Exotic Professional
Simone F.
Spanisch (Lateinamerika)
Vereinigte Staaten

With nearly 30 years of experience in the global market, my talent has landed on thousands of all sorts of pro...

Sensual Sophisticated Exotic
Melissa R.
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

Hi there! I'm Melissa and I voice in a neutral American English accent. I have a naturally deep voice and have...

Conversational Confident Menacing
Ab $100
Natsuko Y.

Natsuko is a voice actor . She has been actively working as a voice actor since 1994. Listen to 22 voice over...

Professional Experienced Sincere
Ab $200
Jyl W.
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

The Voice of MANY Voices! How do you describe Jyl’s voice? How about a diverse range of ages, accents, and emo...

Authoritative Believable Classy
Schritt 1
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Schritt 3
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