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Engagieren Sie Stark-Synchronsprecher für Ihr Projekt

Engagieren Sie Stark-Synchronsprecher für Ihr Projekt

Shelley A.
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

Hi there, I’m Shelley –SOVAS award-winning voice actor. I am an athlete infusing your message with grit, brave...

Savvy Confident Conversational
Ab $200
Maj V.

Strong and warm baritone voice with a consistent energy output and an ear for dramatic pace. Maj’s performance...

Strong Warm Dramatic
Daniel W.
Englisch (Schottisch)
Vereinigtes Königreich

Daniel is a naturally deep Scottish male voice talent. His speech is neutral, non too thick, and extremely eng...

Fresh Fun Sexy
Barbora G.
Tschechische Republik

Strong voice of this young woman is really immpresive. Catchy and a very attractive voice makes from Barbora a...

Strong Catchy Charismatic
Ab $100
Aleksander G.
Russische Föderation

Hello! I am a male Russian voiceover. I will provide a strong, warm, personable, dynamic voice over for your...

Mischievous Impatient Folksy
Nacho S.
Spanisch (Lateinamerika)
Spanisch (Argentinisch)

My voice is strong and powerfull for presentations, rock related commercials or events, fresh and active, I do...

Strong Friendly Informal
John M.
Englisch (Britisch)
Vereinigtes Königreich

John’s voice is described by his many clients as smooth, warm, friendly and engaging. But, when required, it c...

Accurate Reliable Experienced
Ab $250
Shayla T.
Englisch (US)
Englisch (Britisch)
Vereinigte Staaten

Shayla is a full-time professional actress and voice actor, delivering studio-quality voiceovers from their ho...

Warm Conversational Dark
Ab $150
Viktoria M.
Tschechische Republik

My voice is soft yet strong. Popular for its directness and energy. Try me if you want to make your project un...

Strong Energetic Sensual
Ab $100
Neil G.
Englisch (Britisch)
Englisch (Schottisch)
Vereinigtes Königreich

I have a noticeable, powerful, sultry male voice with a distinctive British accent. My voice is strong but ver...

Friendly Happy Bright
Dominik T.

Extraordinary Slovak Voice Talent with more than 6 years of experiences. Also the member of Slovak National Th...

Gentle Strong
Ab $125
Angela L.
Chinesisch (Mandarin)
Vereinigte Staaten

I’m a Los Angeles, CA, US-based professional trained voice-over actress. My Native language is Mandarin (stand...

Warm Articulate Elegant
Jyl W.
Englisch (US)
Vereinigte Staaten

The Voice of MANY Voices! How do you describe Jyl’s voice? How about a diverse range of ages, accents, and emo...

Authoritative Believable Classy
Zdenek J.
Tschechische Republik
Prämie Bestbewertet

The outstanding voice of this famous Czech movie actor will make your audio project a unique experience.

Charismatic Trustworthy Strong
Ab $150
Rodrigo G.
Portugiesisch (Brasilianisch)

Hi! My name is Rodrigo and I am a professional Brazilian voice actor. As an actor I have a large range of inte...

Articulate Authentic Calm
Ab $200
Schritt 1
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Schritt 2
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Schritt 3
Mittel freigeben
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