Natsuko’s rich 28-year career in television and radio spans a wide range of genres, including news, documentaries, variety shows, sports, travel programs, commercials and radio broadcasts. With a portfolio of over 1,000 video narratives for national, prefectural and municipal governments, as well as corporate product descriptions.
In 2023, she ventured onto the global stage and was nominated for the prestigious SOVAS VOICE ARTS AWARD in the Audiobook Narration category for Best Japanese VoiceOver.
I am very proud to have received international recognition for my efforts in Japan.
This journey around the world began with the noble goal of bringing the enchanting world of picture books to children, especially during the isolating times of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a joy to breathe life into these stories, embody a variety of characters, and bring joy to children through the screen.
Deeply rooted in my family, my career has flourished alongside our family-owned television production company.
Together, we have spearheaded numerous groundbreaking television programs and documentaries, earning accolades such as the Grand Prize from the Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications for our portrayal of communities that include people with disabilities, the elderly and children, exemplified by our work “LIVING TOGETHER WE ARE TOYAMA DAY SERVICE,” which received the National Board Of Regional Visual Industry Associations Grand Prix in 2010.
In addition, our documentary DVD highlighting the traditional Japanese craft of “Kanjiki,” the art of snowshoe making, received esteemed recognition with an Honorable Mention Award from the Japan Public Relations Association National Public Relations Competition in 2015.
As we continue to expand our presence both domestically and internationally, we offer a full range of services including voiceovers, video production, ticker tape presentations, and interview engagements. We take great pride in showcasing Japan’s rich tapestry of traditional industries, vibrant festivals, delicious cuisine and captivating culture. If you are looking for an insight into Japan, we are here to help.
Join hands with Natsuko and together we’ll create awe-inspiring creations that will captivate audiences worldwide!