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Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - voice actor recording
Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - voice actor recording
Alex Mcomie 107x107
Feb 11, 2024

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial

You may have heard that we see thousands of ads every day, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

While it’s impossible to calculate the exact number, it’s probably closer to a few hundred.

Still, that’s a lot of content.

As a marketer, you need to ensure that your commercial stands out from the rest.

There are a lot of factors that go into this: a captivating script, unique style, and strong product to name a few.

However, the narrator is the person who puts these elements together.

The voice actor you choose will have a major impact on the way viewers will perceive your brand.

The video below shows how a well-suited voice artist can contribute to a memorable commercial.

John M.’s sophisticated, aspirational voice aligns perfectly with the image of a luxury watch.

That said, finding the best narrator for your commercial can be tricky.

Where do you start?

How much do voice actors charge?

And how do you know which artist to pick for your project?

Selecting a narrator is not merely about finding someone who’s capable.

They have to fit with your brand message and resonate with your target audience.

Fortunately, once you know what to vet for, finding the perfect match in a voice artist is not as hard as it seems.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about zeroing in on that perfect narrator.


Consider Your Brand Image

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - man writing on paper

Not all commercials are the same, and neither should their voice overs be.

Before you start looking for a narrator, the first thing you need to do is consider your brand.

What kind of voice would best represent your brand vision and mission statement?

Are you looking for a particular accent?

What about pace and energy?

Is the commercial intended to promote a specific product, or simply gain visibility for your brand?

These are the kinds of questions you’ll need to ask yourself in the early stages of development.

Remember that consumers tend to buy when their state of mind is emotionally elevated.

Your understanding of your product, brand image, and target audience will dictate the style and content of your commercial.

Whatever approach you are going for, you’ll need the perfect voice to compliment it.


Decide Whether You Want a Male or Female Narrator

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - male and female narrators

Traditionally, there has been a belief that male voices are more convincing in commercials than female voices.

This has since been disproved, both by research and the trend toward more female voices in advertising.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that male and female voices are equally good for every individual commercial.

For example, some findings have revealed that women relate better to female-narrated commercials for women’s products.

This preference is thought to hold across both genders.

A man speaking about a men’s product might be more believable than a woman speaking about, say, men’s razors.

However, this tendency can give you the opportunity to subvert expectations and stand out to your audience.

One example of this is the Carl’s Jr. commercial featuring Charlotte McKinney.


Massive, juicy hamburgers are generally considered to be the ultimate “man food”.

If that’s not enough, the gritty rock music background adds to the “manliness” you’d expect from a Carl’s Jr. commercial.

All that is contrasted by a sexy, feminine Charlotte McKinney who totally shatters the male stereotypes and makes this ad totally memorable and effective!


Consider Your Target Audience

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - old man and young woman buy online

The success or failure of a commercial depends on how it resonates with the target audience.

Start by thinking about the background, demographics, and preferences of your audience.

A 25-year-old actress in LA might relate very differently to a certain narrator than a 38-year-old animal rights activist in the UK.

It’s usually a good idea to work with a voice actor whose accent matches that of your target audience.

Consider that a southern US accent can come across as uneducated to Americans from the North.

On the other hand, a northern accent could sound condescending to a target audience from the South.

Still, there are exceptions to this rule.

British voice actors, for example, are often hired to advertise luxury cars and other high-end products.

Americans typically like British accents and associate them with class and good taste.

Think, Bond — James Bond.

However, at the same time, if not used correctly, a British accent can also sound stand-offish or condescending, which may alienate your audience.

It can be tough to decide between an American vs. British accent for your commercial.


Find Potential Narrators and Listen to Demos

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - voice actor in front of microphone

Once you have an idea of what you’re looking for, you can start to narrow down your search.

Don’t know where to start? Take advantage of our easy-to-use search tool.

We make it easy to apply filters based on your needs and preview hundreds of commercial narrators.


What to Look for When Picking a Good Narrator

Here are a few key factors to consider as you start comparing candidates:

  • Clarity and articulation
  • Authenticity
  • Consistency

Besides these elements, also vet for any specific vocal qualities you’re looking for.


Reach Out to Narrators and Request Auditions

Finding the Best Narrator For Your Next Commercial - two Neumann condenser Microphones

Once you have narrowed down your list, the next step in finding a narrator for a commercial is to request auditions.

For the auditions, you should provide a script from which voice artists can work.

The auditions will give you a good idea of what your copy will sound like.

This will further whittle down your selection until you arrive at the perfect narrator for your commercial.


Find Your Perfect Narrator Today

Finding the ideal commercial narrator doesn’t have to be hard.

The secret is in doing your prep work and figuring out what you’re looking for.

From there, it’s a matter of selection.

Now that you know the steps involved in picking a good narrator, are you ready to move forward?

We’re here to help you find the perfect voice actor and make your project a success.

You can browse through the community, listen to demos at will, and request free quotations from the artists that catch your ear.

If you have any questions about the process, check out our FAQ section, or reach out to us and we will be happy to help.

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